3 min read


Text: Philippians 3:13. John 9:4-5.

Memory Verse: Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest. - Ecclesiastes 9:10 

There are millions of ways and areas to pursue and attain excellence in life. God in his wisdom created each man with distinct uniqueness, peculiarities and differences.  For example, trillions of humans will live on earth: past, present and future! Yet, none of this will have same finger print!  Each of us is loaded with definite and varied capacities. Individuals therefore must discover his specific talent, calling and assignment. There must be concentration of energy and resources so as to become the best in whatever one choose to do. 

THE AVOIDABLE Hindrances TO Excellence 

1. Distractions and obstructions. These are common impediments on the paths of excellence. Focus and concentration on your purpose and goals are the antidotes for distractions. Mark obstructions, remove it when you can, work over it or around it and find alternative route to your goal when required! Do not allow anything at any time, to create a barrier to your path to excellence. Joshua 6:1-20. 

2. Envy and Comparism. Genesis 4:5-8.  It is not bad, when outshined by others! It only inform you that door for your improvement is open. Learn from the successful and explore more ways to do it better.  Envy limit your capacity to innovate! Comparism put bars and limitations on your speed as you loose focus on detail for distinctions as you meddle unnecessarily on  others business. Avoid such! 

3. Fear and lack of Confidence. 2 Timothy 1:7. Fear cripples exploits! Be bold! Being confident will weaken oppositions and resistances on your part to excellence. It takes confidence to stand for what you believe. It takes confidence to attempt your believe and to be persistent in it. Failure is never a failure unless you accept it so, it is often the gateway to uncommon breakthrough. Let us learn from Elijah's experience in 1 Kings 18:41-46. 

4. Discouragement and depression: Number 21:4.   Billions of brilliant ideas are conceived daily. Millions of such ideas died unattended to! Worst still, millions of ideas that received warm embrace and initiation died along the way by these enemies called discouragement and depression! Their armaments are diverse: Exaggerated problems, confrontations, excuses, blame games, procrastinations, oppositions, unfavorable laws, human factors, environmental factors, limited resources... etc. The truth is that every source of discouragement and depression must be faced and dealt with. Otherwise, there will be damages! God strictly commanded Joshua against discouragement. Joshua 1:5-9. Know that God is bigger than any giant around you. Move on in faith! Discouragement and depression will fade away! 

5.  Complacency!  1Kings 13:1-24. This is a feeling of self-satisfaction, especially when unaware of the danger or unprecedented possibilities still ahead. The young prophet in the scripture above was at rest and reminiscent, when he should be moving on. His past excellence and brilliant feats was short-lived! Broad vision will enable the conquerors to see the big picture, thus preventing the problem of complacency. 

6. Contention and Strife! Proverbs 13:10; James 3:16.  The labour of many years, and legacies of excellent characters, diligent services and bountiful largesse can be destroyed in a moment by the brute of strife and explosives of contention. War births chaos, poverty and destructions. Peace is the mother of prosperity, progress and excellence, necessary price must be paid, to establish and promote it. 

7. Pride and self glory. Ezekiel 28:14-17.   Satan, Nimrod, and Nebuchadnezzar achieved brilliant success, but had trouble with God! The success ws not the problem, but the puffing, overestimation and pride involved.    As believers Christ excellence must be our example. Humility marks His word, work, and ways! Philippians 2:5-11. 

You cannot receive anything, except they are given! If then it is given, why self glory? Every excellent service, initiative, performance and output must be rendered humbly, giving glory to God. This is the way to greater glory in excellence. James 4:6.

 Excellence will attract joy, encouragement, fulfilment, progress, honour and glory to the Church and to  God. The gain will be unquantifiable! We must covet it, pursue it and pray to make it a lifestyle. Hebrew 6:7-12. Amen.

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