1 min read
The Healing Streams - Bible Study 2

Study Texts: Psalm 126:1-6; Isaiah 49:24-26; Nehemiah 1:1-4.

‘When the Lord turned the captivity of Zion’. </strong>This statement talks about the appointed time when the Lord looked upon the people of Zion, stepped into their situation and delivered them out of their captivity. 

May your appointed time of deliverance come speedily in Jesus Name. And when He did so, it was a pleasant surprise to them; they would not understand the way the whole event took place. In fact, all that they could say was that they were like those who were dreaming. I pray for you today, in all your challenges being in your ministry, family, finances, education, health, work etc may you experience the supernatural touch of the most- high God for wonder in Jesus name. Acts 12:5-16.


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