2 min read
Code of Conduct

As a member of the International Fellowship of Christ Companion Students, I commit to the following code of conduct, which reflects our core values and dedication to living a life that honours God:
Holy Living: Strive to live a life that aligns with biblical principles, maintaining honesty, righteousness, and moral integrity in all actions and decisions.
Truthfulness: Always speak the truth and act transparently, avoiding deceit and dishonesty in all circumstances.

Positive Impact: Actively seek to be a positive influence in the community, demonstrating godly behaviour and leadership in all spheres of life.
Exemplary Conduct: Behave in a manner that reflects well on the fellowship, serving as a role model to others in both words and actions.

Unity and Love: Foster a spirit of unity and love within the fellowship, treating all members with respect, kindness, and consideration.
Support and Encouragement: Offer support and encouragement to fellow members, helping each other grow in faith and overcome challenges.Compassion
Empathy and Kindness: Show empathy and kindness to everyone, offering help and support to those in need within and outside the fellowship.
Service to Others: Engage in acts of service that reflect Christ's love, making a tangible difference in the lives of others through compassion and generosity.Service
Wholehearted Service: Serve God with all my might, soul, and spirit, committing my time, talents, and resources to His work and the advancement of His kingdom.
Faithful Stewardship: Be a faithful steward of the gifts and opportunities God has given me, using them responsibly and for His glory.

Personal Appearance
Neat and Professional Attire: Dress neatly, naturally, and corporately at all fellowship events and in daily life, reflecting the dignity and respect we hold for ourselves and our fellowship.
Modesty and Simplicity: Avoid wearing jewellery and other adornments that draw excessive attention, opting for modest and simple attire that reflects our values of humility and purity.General Conduct
Respect and Honour: Show respect and honour to all authority figures, fellow members, and individuals within the community.
Non-discrimination: Treat all individuals equally, without discrimination based on race, gender, socio-economic status, or any other characteristic.
Peaceful Resolution: Resolve conflicts peacefully and in a manner that promotes reconciliation and unity within the fellowship.By adhering to this code of conduct, I commit to living out the values of integrity, influence, companionship, compassion, and service, thereby honouring God and contributing positively to the iFCCS community.