2 min read

Daily Companion  | 7 September


“Who delivered us from so great a death and doth deliver: in whom we trust that He will yet deliver us’’  - 2 Corinthians 1:10

God has been our deliverer from ages past. He was, He is and He is the One yet to come. In every situation, regardless of the degree of hopelessness and impossibility to finite minds of mortal man, He is in control. He shows himself strong in the lives of those who need little support like the man by the sea of Bethsaida (John 5:1-9). Even though he had been there for so long, yet, Jesus proved to all and sundries that He was all along in charge. Do you see yourself as being weak? Needing some little support to complement yours for great achievement? God will show up for your sake in Jesus name. 

God is in control of all cases of people who are totally helpless. The man, who was let down by four men from the roof before Christ, illustrated the state of total helplessness. He could not help himself in any way whatsoever. What really moved Christ to action was the faith of men that brought him. At such a level of helplessness, He took control and healed the man. (Mark 2:1-5). Dorcas' fresh body came back to life. The stinking body of Lazarus who died four days resurrected. The woman with 12 years of menorrhagia (issue of blood) received her deliverance.

At any critical state, God has been the Deliverer. He brought to life a great army in Ezekiel chapter 37. This was beyond helplessness or hopelessness, they were dead, dry, dispersed and forgotten. Yet, when God appeared, they came alive and stood again. You will stand again irrespective of your current state in Jesus name.

Beloved, if God could not leave the four Hebrew young men to be burnt to death, God will yet deliver you from your present precarious situation. Come believing. Call on Jesus. Come with repentance. Return now to Him in case you have slid back. Be hopeful, be strong, be happy and ‘’he will come and save you’’ so cried Isaiah the prophet. 

Today’s Recite: "And they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the LORD, to deliver thee." - Jeremiah 1:19

Today’s Morning Prayer: I thank You Lord for always being in control of every stage of my life. I receive faith to seek You at all times in Jesus name. I refuse to lose hope in Jesus' name. I receive grace to wait for my testimony in Jesus' name. Oh Lord, have your way in my case today. Arise O Lord and save me and my household in Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen!


Today’s ReadMe:  Hosea 1 - 4

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