2 min read

Daily Companion  | 22 September


Now to Him who is able to keep you from falling, And to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy - Jude 1:24

A Christian brother once had this experience. He intended to visit a bank passing through a busy major market in the town. The market was usually dirty and muddy during the wet season. He left his workplace very early in the morning. On getting to the market, he discovered it was dirty and muddy as usual because of the heavy rainfall the previous night. He was concerned about getting his legs dirty because he wore slippers. But the buyers and the sellers in the market already wore their rain boots and raincoats. They can step into any place, but this brother was mindful of where to step because he did not want to get soiled with mud. Surprisingly, he walked through the marketplace to the bank and came back to his office with his legs unsoiled. 

The only reason he could work successfully through the dirty and muddy market street unsoiled was because he was mindful of where he stepped. He ordered his step aright. This could be simply referred to as watchfulness. Thank God, we have better grace in Christ. Christ ‘’ is able to keep you from falling...’’  Is that all? No. then, what else? ‘’And to present you faultless’’. Aright. What is now the essence of constant standing and faultlessness? The ultimate essence is that you will be brought before ‘’ the presence of His glory with exceeding joy". Your life will not be soiled with sins if you are watchful enough about where you go; the friends you keep; the things you do; the instructions you obey and the decisions you make. 

If you confess all sins with the desire to forsake them; if as a backslider make a new decision to follow the Lord wholely again; if he who ‘’thinks he stands take heed lest he falls’’, then, you will work through the market of life with your garment unsoiled. If you are mindful of what you eat your body will be freed from sicknesses. If you are careful of what you say, there will be fewer quarrels at home, in the church and in society. 

Today Recite: ‘’I can do all things through Christ that strengtheneth me’’. Philippians 4:13 

Today’s Morning Prayers: Lord, I thank You because all things are possible to me. Give me the grace to see possibility in all impossibilities. I receive the strength to do the impossible in Jesus' name.

Today’s Hymn: All Things Are Possible (CHS 204 )

Today’s ReadMe:  Zechariah 10 - 14

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