3 min read

Daily Companion  | 6 October


But be thou an example… in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 

Elisha was a prophet in the land of Israel with great influence. His life was an expression of God’s power by virtue of the miracles God performed through him. He was a prophet known to be true by all and sundry, including children. One may be surprised about little children knowing about this man of God even though little or nothing was said about this in the Bible. But the situations of things that happened in 2 Kings 5, give us a glimpse of it. 

Naaman was a mighty warrior but, a leper. He has just taken some of the Israelites as captives and among them was a lad who was one of the maids of Naaman’s wife. On one of the days, the lad, having seen the shame and the situations surrounding the leprosy of Naaman, recommended that Naaman go to see Prophet Elisha for healing. The recommendation was rehearsed to the hears of Naaman who later decided to visit Elisha the prophet. He has not so much gotten to the apartment of Elisha that he got a message from Elisha to get himself washed in the River Jordan to be made whole. Though felt insulted that Elisha did not come out to see him, he washed himself in the river as commanded after the persuasion of his soldiers.  His leprosy vanished; his body was made whole.  It all began from the recommendation of a lad who knew Elisha. 

Every believer is called today to be like Elisha. Let us reference in our streets, that is, the people that others may recommend in times of trouble, confusion, and absence of peace because we have Jesus Christ. This is a challenge for everyone to portray the life of Christ such that we become a reference to Jesus’ life. Let every husband be a reference his wife can recommend to others being fully assured that they will be led to Christ’s power. Let every wife be the same also. Let every Christian worker be a reference like Elisha. Let every student be a reference through which the life of Christ is spoken of. Let every pastor be a reference that people far and near will recommend; the people fully aware that Christ dwells in you. 

Let those who have the light shine it far and wide so those who could not find their way may see once again. Let those who have the living water give it out bountifully for those who are thirsty to drink. Be the believer that even sinners know reflects the life of Christ. The Lord will help you. 

Today’s Recite: Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. - 1 Timothy 4:12

Today’s Morning Prayers: Lord make me a vessel to demonstrate your life. Make my life a reference for others to know and have a taste of your power through the help of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Today’s Hymn: Let Others See Jesus in You.

Today’s ReadMe:  John 7-10

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