2 min read

Daily Companion  | 19 October


 "The Lord shall be thy confidence and shall keep thy foot from being taken." - Proverbs 3:26:

Charles had grown up hearing about God, but he had never really taken the time to get to know God for himself. One day, Charles decided to take a walk in the woods. As he was walking, he began to think about his life and what he wanted out of it. He thought about all the things he wanted to do and all the places he wanted to go. But his poor family background and the hostile community he lived in cast doubts on his mind. Suddenly, he heard a voice in the trees. It was a strong, gentle, and reassuring voice that said to Charles, “GOD'S GOT YOUR BACK. The Lord shall be thy confidence and shall keep your foot from being taken.” Charles was taken aback. He had no idea what this meant, but he had a feeling that it was important. He decided to take the words to heart and to trust in God’s protection. 

From that day forward, Charles chose to trust in God and rely on Him for guidance. Every time he faced a challenge or a difficult decision, he thought back to that day in the woods and the words of the voice. Charles's faith in God gave him strength and courage. He knew that no matter what happened, God was with him and would keep him safe. And sure enough, God did keep his foot from being taken. Whenever Charles faced danger, God was there to protect him and keep him safe. David’s faith in God had truly been his confidence.

Beloved, don't be afraid. God's got your back. He is your confidence. Your dreams and future are safe in His hands. But you need to avoid habits that could make God back off. 

Today’s Recite: "I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." - Psalm 34:4

Today’s Morning Prayer: O God I appreciate You for the assurance that You will always be there for me. I cast all my fears and burdens before You. I receive confidence to face all challenges that may come my way as I pursue my vision in Jesus' name. Amen!


Today’s ReadMe:  Acts 3 - 5

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