3 min read

Daily Companion  | 18 October


Yes, he struggled with the Angel and prevailed; He wept and sought favour from Him. He found Him in Bethel, And there He spoke to us—5 That is, the LORD God of hosts. The LORD is His memorable name. - Hosea 12:4-5 (NKJV) 

When Monty Roberts was young, he occasionally travelled with his father (itinerant horse trainer) from ranch to ranch training horses. His academic progress was frequently derailed as a result. When he got to the senior class, one day a teacher asked him to write about what he wanted to be when he grew up. He didn't think twice and immediately wrote a seven-page essay about his desire to buy a horse ranch, detailing with illustrations including where the buildings (with plan) and stables would be located.

He received his paper back two days later with "F" on it. He approached the teacher why he had received an F. The teacher answered him, "This dream is so unrealistic for a boy like you, who has no money, no resources and who comes from an itinerant family. There is no possibility that you will reach your great goals one day." The teacher asked him to rewrite the paper with more realistic goals. Monty Roberts brought the same paper to his instructor a few days later. Nothing was altered. "Keep the F, and I'll keep my dream, he declared. Years later Monty Roberts framed the 7-page write-up and put over the fireplace at his 4,000-square-foot home in the heart of a 200-acre horse ranch.

Jacob hustled for two decades with little gathering and of lack of peace of mind. But his desperation for freedom and God’s blessing took him only a single vigil. Jabez was a "child of sorrow". He prayed to God for a turnaround and God answered him..

Beloved, you too can determine to prevail over your current circumstances. Your dreams can come true. Success starts from the moment you make a strong determination to succeed in life no matter what. You alone with God in the secret and your hard work with purposeful focus in the open, fight for your blessings. Fight to succeed. Tell yourself and God, “I will not let You go unless You bless me!” (Genesis 32:26). Don’t let go of God until He blesses you! You shall prevail. 

Today’s Recite: "Let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. (James 1:6, 7)

Today’s Morning Prayer: O God I thank You because there is nothing impossible with You. I bring my dreams, aspirations and desperations to You this morning and ask that You will bless them and prosper the work of my hands in Jesus' name. Amen!

Today’s Hymn:  OUT OF MY BONDAGE   (CHS 29)

Today’s ReadMe:  Acts 1 - 2

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