3 min read

Daily Companion  | 6 November


And if a man also strives for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strives lawfully. - 2 Timothy 2:5 

On 24 September 1988, he was on track for a 100m race with other past and yet-to-be future world champions. With unprecedented energy, he sprinted to the finish line in 9.79 seconds, a new world record! “I’d like to say my name is Benjamin Sinclair Johnson Jr, and this world record will last 50 years, maybe 100." “A gold medal – that’s something no one can take away from you.” he boasted after the race. In less than 24 hours, he failed a dope test. An energy-enhancement drug was found in his urine. Not only was the gold taken away from him but that record was broken by another at 9.58 seconds by Usain Bolt less than 20 years later. 

Ben Johnson won the race but not lawfully and was denied the crown. As we strive daily in our vocation, the words of Apostle Paul should remind us that no one is crowned "except he strives lawfully." 

Everything in life is about competition. Before your conception, you ran against millions of potential souls and came first. If you were born a twin, there must have been a tie. Against threats to your survival after conception, to your birth and childhood, you have continued to strive. Your current position is the result of a series of competitions since birth. The question is, have been striving lawfully?

Beloved, winning is not an easy adventure, and it requires dedication, diligence and determination. It requires patience and obedience. You will have to “discipline your body and bring it under subjection” (1 Corinthians 9:27). Temptation to relax and distraction to compromise will come but you are to resist them. While racing to top your class, win a job or contract, and get a better income or life, you must do so by following due process. Do not cut corners nor compromise your faith for worldly fame. Obey the rules. Be law-abiding. Do not forge your way to the top. But more importantly, you must not forget that there’s a constant race that transcends this world to eternity. And that competition is to obtain an everlasting, incorruptible crown; to have your name written and kept in the Book of Life; and to win a mansion in heaven.  

Dear friend, Your eyes must be on the crown at all times. You can do it. Have faith in God and also in yourself. Now, strive for the crown lawfully. 

Today’s Recite: Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. (1 Corinthians 9:24)

Today’s Morning Prayer: Heavenly Father I thank you for a new day and a new week. I Pray for the grace to strive lawfully with a winning spirit and zeal to obtain the best position in this life and beyond. Grant me the appetite for good success. Grant me oh Lord power and strength to run. I ask for grace to shun all distractions and temptations to cut corners or compromise my faith. I shall receive the crown in Jesus name I pray. Amen!


Today’s ReadMe:  2 CORINTHIANS 8 -11
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