2 min read

Daily Companion  | 30 November


"...But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15

Mr and Mrs Thompson, who every Sunday, without fail, would attend church and participate in all the church weekly activities. They had a tradition of praying evening at the dinner.

One evening, as they were saying their prayers, there was a knock on their door. It was a young girl standing on their doorstep, shivering from the cold with a sad look on her face. Lily had run away from home after her parents passed away living on the streets for weeks. But a voice drew her close to the Thompsons’ house. 

The Thompsons adopted Lily who had never believed in the power of prayer, but being a part of the Thompson family made her realize the true power of prayer. She started to see the blessings in her life and felt grateful for the Thompsons' kindness and love. 

Years went by, and Lily healed physically and spiritually and grew up to be a strong and kind-hearted woman. The Thompson family's tradition of praying together every evening had not only brought them closer to each other, but it had also brought a lost soul into their lives and showed her the way to Christ and a better future. Lily became the pride of the family who grew up to become famous even as their three Thompsons’ children became successful. 

Stories abound of how family prayers have helped shape their children's lives, protect them from predators and brought favour to their ways in times of need. Prayer brings families closer together and strengthens their bond with God. Sing a hymn or worship song together as a family. 

You may also create a prayer jar or box where family members can write down their prayer requests and take turns praying for them. Keep a prayer journal where each family member can write down their prayers and reflect on how God has answered them. Take turns reading the Daily Companion and discussing it as a family. 

Today’s Recite "How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity!" - Psalm 133:1

Today’s Morning Prayer:  Dear heavenly Father, we come to you today as a family, grateful for the love and blessings you have showered upon us. As we gather to pray together, we ask for your guidance and strength to grow closer to you and to each other. Help us to open our hearts and minds to your word and to be united in our prayers. We pray for other families, especially those who may be going through difficult times. We ask You Lord God to bless and guide them, and to help them grow closer to each other and to Him through prayer. Amen.

Today’s Hymn: THE FAMILY WHO PRAYS   (CHS 180)

Hymn Lyrics  

1. Satan has parted fathers and mothers 

Filling their hearts with his envy and hate 

Heading their pathways down to destruction 

Leaving their children like orphans to stray 

The Family who prays Will never be parted 

Their circle in heaven unbroken shall stand 

God will say "enter, my good faithful servants" 

The family who prays Never shall part 

2. Wars and Tornadoes are taking our loved ones 

Leaving us tearful with sad aching hearts 

But we shall join them over the river 

For the family who prays never shall part 

Today's ReadMe: 1 Peter 1 - 2


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