2 min read

Daily Companion  | 23 November


"But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive." - Genesis 50:20 

In the summer of 1912, Ina Ogdon was scheduled to give a speech at Chautauqua, a Methodist camp located in western New York. But her father had been injured in a car accident a few days to her leaving for the camp. She made a decision to take care of her hospitalised father instead. Hence rather than speaking to a crowd of about 10,000 people, her audience was reduced to only one - her sick father. Through her despair and disappointment, she was finally able to make up her mind that no matter what, she would learn to brighten the corner where God had placed her. She prayed that God would give her a way to encourage others to face life’s problems with the right attitude. The answer to that prayer was a poem: "Brighten the Corner Where You Are" she wrote while taking care of her father.

Holding a trombone, Homer Rodeheaver stood at Ohio's Billy Sunday Crusade in 1913. As thousands of people leap to their feet at the first stanza of the song, dust rises from the sawdust floor. Then, the words and melodies of the hymn by Ina Ogdon, based on the poem she wrote that fateful summer of 1912, filled the open air crusade. 

"Brighten the Corner" became Bill Sunday's crusade theme and the opening song for all his crusades for the next 22 years. That 1912 summer, Mrs Ogdon anticipated reaching thousands; instead, she reached millions. More than 25 million copies of her song have been printed.

Beloved, no matter the situation you find yourself in, unfortunate incidents or maltreatment like Joseph had in the hands of his brethren, always have a positive attitude and learn to let God still use you. In low or high-profile environments, be humble, brighten the corner, and be open to divine inspiration. Be a lending hand, no matter how small. Let no opportunity slip away, even when one is closed, see it as an open door to a new one. 

"Here for all your talent you may surely find a need,

Here reflect the bright and Morning Star; 

Even from your humble hand the Bread of Life may feed, 

Brighten the corner where you are."

"Brighten the corner where you are! Brighten the corner where you are! Someone far from harbour you may guide across the bar; Brighten the corner where you are!"

Today’s Recite: "And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed." - Hebrews 12:13

Today’s Morning Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for a new day of hope. Grant me a positive attitude towards every negative incidents that may come my way. In any situation, grant me the grace to brighten my corner. Make me a winner of souls. Make me a source of blessings always: in rain or sunshine, poor or rich, low or high. Make me a channel of Your glory in Jesus name. Amen.


Today's ReadMe: Hebrews 1 - 3


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