2 min read

Daily Companion  |  7 May


“So they taught in Judah, and had the Book of the Law of the LORD with them; they went throughout all the cities of Judah and taught the people. And the fear of the LORD fell on all the kingdoms of the lands that were around Judah, so that they did not make war against Jehoshaphat." (2 Chronicles 17:9-10). 

When Jehoshaphat became king, he chose to lead differently. He destroyed all shrines of idols. He put God first. He appointed his leaders along with priests and levites to teach the word of God across the country. The effect was an increase in the fear of God in the hearts of people. Not only the people but the neighbouring countries. 

God’s word is a powerful tool of peace. It is the sword of the Spirit, also known as the law of liberty that sets people free from rancor. The word of God unites. When shared in families, there is harmony. When shared in the community, it lowers crimes and fights and enhances communal peace. Believers who share the law of God spreads the fear of God into people’s hearts and . When the apostles taught the word of God, people feared, love and peace grew in Israel. 

Rumours, speculations, gossips ignite wars but God’s word stops wars. Share the word of God today and everywhere. The devil flee when he hears the word of the Lord being taught. Satan halts when he sees the sword of the Spirit in action. The word of God will prevent all wars in your life. The word is what the world needs to stop all wars, communal clashes. What are you waiting for? Don't wait till the war starts. Get busy with spreading God’s word today and the enemy shall not war against you!

Today’s Recite: “When a man’s ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him (Proverbs 16:7).

Today’s Morning Prayers:  Oh Lord I Thank You for Your Word. I embrace Your Word today. I will share it with all around me. And may peace and tranquility follow Your word in my mouth. Bring peace to my family, community and country at large in Jesus name. Amen! 

Today’s Hymn: Jesus Saves, Jesus Saves

Today’s ReadMe:  2 Chronicles 17 - 19

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