2 min read

Daily Companion  |  17 May


“Whoever offers praise glorifies Me; and to him who orders his conduct aright. I will show the salvation of God.” - Psalms 50:23.

 Transaction is an exchange between two people: an agreement or communication between a buyer and a seller to exchange a product or services for something (with or without money). But the end result of any transaction is a change or improvement in the status of each partY: a value added to the buyer and a profit for the seller.You buy a car and enjoy its comfort and value to your social life and the car dealer enjoys the profit gained too. This is the way God transacts with us. 

Our God has a lot to offer us: salvation, sanctification, spiritual fullness, success, favour and financial breakthrough, safety and so on. In exchange of these, we have to offer Him glory. Glory is God’s gain. It is His exclusive profit that He shares with no man, nobody! When you praise God, you pay Him with glory. His gain is His glory and He’s happy. 

Like any transactions, terms and conditions apply. From our key verse above, a term and condition was given: “him who orders his conduct aright”.  And the product God is selling here is salvation. Interestingly, you don’t need money for this. “and he that hath no money; come ye, buy ...without money.” (Isaiah 55:1) Salvation of God is without money but your right heart conduct. Salvation forms the foundation for all other transactions with God. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness an every other good thing you desire shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33). 

Dear friend, repent and retrace your conduct aright today to enjoy the salvation of God you have been longing for. Come out of that sinful relationship, stop shedding the innocent blood, stop cheating, begin to do the right thing and be faithful in it. God is ever faithful to grant you His salvation today. Amen! And when you receive your blessing never fail to praise Him to complete the glorious transaction. 

Today’s Recite: Glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. - 1 Corinthians  6:20

Today’s Morning Prayers:  O God I thank you for the glorious transaction you are willing to offer me today. I will praise and glorify You. Bless me with Your salvation as I order my conduct right today. Offer me Your favour and success as I praise You in Jesus mighty name! Amen! 


Today’s ReadMe:  NEHEMIAH 4 - 6

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