3 min read

Daily Companion  |  16 May


“Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter  - (Revelation 1:19). 

 Imagine how the world would have been if there are no records of the past events. Imagine a world without the Bible. Imagine if we just live our lives without evidence of memories of the past. Imagine the lies and falsehoods that could have prevailed upon the earth; how the innocent could suffer and die for the wrong doings of others because no evidence to prove his innocency.

 Record keeping is important in all aspects of our lives: in our family relations; financial, business transactions and nation building. Any business without proper record keeping risk stagnancy or collapse. At workplace, proper documentation may prevent unpleasant incidents. Professionals like nurses and doctors could lose their jobs for lack of documentation. Good note keeping by students in class will invariably help recall for exams and mitigate failures. Good record keeping offers foundation for accountability, inspiration and motivation in books, archives and museums.

As read in our focal verse today, God teaches us to always keep record of events in life because failure of this could throw the world into dark age and push believers into backsliding state. Through record-keeping kingdoms are able to stand till date. The Bible provides the greatest records of all time in the history of man. The kings, prophets, and the apostles like Peter, Paul, John and Matthew cultivated the habits of keeping records. “He that saw it bare record, and his record is true” (John 19:35). It is often best that the person who witness the event documents, otherwise, fabrications and fable which are often injurious may prevail. For they have not “followed cunningly devised fables... but were eyewitnesses of Christ’s majesty” (2 Peter 1:16)

Beloved, beyond good keeping record, frequent recourse to the records (like reading the word of God) will help you grow in confidence and the knowledge of the past to create and apply positive change for the future. Above all, when you  keep records, you promote truth, originality,  authenticity and sustainable future for yourself and the world both secularly and spiritually.

Today’s Recite: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. (1 Corinthians 2:5)

Today’s Morning Prayers:  O God, I thank You for today's expository. I ask that you grant me Your grace and wisdom to always keep record. May I receive transformation through the habit of keeping record in Jesus mighty name! Amen! 


Today’s ReadMe:  NEHEMIAH 1 - 3

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