2 min read

Daily Companion  |  29 March


 Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 12:15-25 

‘’..And she bare a son, and he called his name Solomon: and the Lord loved him’’ 2 Samuel 12:24 

Emmanuel had just finished his course in one of the country’s prestigious Universities. He was very glad as he patiently waited for his mandatory national youth service, a one-year work placement.  He was very excited as he queued up to board a train. All of a sudden,  the train took off before he got on board. He ran after the train as much as he could but could not catch up with it. He felt dejected because his luggage was on-board. The people around him encouraged him to take the next available taxi and wait ahead of the  train at the station. Surprisingly, he got to his destination before the train arrived. He waited patiently for the train to arrive, he fetched his luggage and headed straightaway for the service orientation camp. 

In our text, David fasted and prayed for the survival of the child for days. He saw it as a loss for the boy to die. He did everything humanly possible to save the child, but the child eventually died. As usual, everyone expected him to weep and cry without eating food for days but rather, he summoned the courage, observed his personal hygiene; ate and even went to the house of the Lord for prayer. He encouraged his wife and after a while, God gave him another son, Solomon, who eventually became king after him. From the life of David, we see that  he did everything possible to catch up with the next opportunity. How many of us allow the present challenges rub us of the opportunities that lie ahead, so much that we almost resign to the unfortunate fate? 

Like missing the train, the world is full of good, bad, ugly, sweet and bitter experiences. Some may cost you more. But always remember, when you are disappointed, that you can definitely be appointed. Taking taxi got him to the destination ahead of the train, the next opportunity may take you faster to your dreams and destiny than ever imagine. Therefore, rise up, be courageous and be prepared for the next moment of joy and victory. Keep your hopes alive because there is hope for Israel (you) concerning this (Ezra 10:2). 

Today’s Recite: ’’ all the days of my appointed time shall I wait, till my change come’’. Job 14:14 

Today’s Morning Prayer: Lord, I thank You for the past, present and future opportunities.  I receive grace to be courageous at difficult times in Jesus name. Lord, prepare me to seize the next opportunity for progress in Jesus name. I subdue every power that may want to depress me or make me miss another golden opportunity in Jesus’ name. 

Today’s Hymn: Count Your Blessings

Today’s ReadMe: 1 Samuel 25 - 27

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