2 min read
March 22: RESOLUTE

Daily Companion  |  22 March


Bible Passage: Judges 8:4 - 12 

 ‘’And from the day of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force"

Matthew 11:12

  It was not an easy task for General Gideon to lead the battle against a large army of a foreign land that had been terrorising the land for more than three decades. He had time with God, and carefully selected three hundred soldiers with whom God used to defeat the opponent in a night battle. This was possible because Gideon was resolute. 

An individual who is absolutely determined to succeed in something irrespective of the odds, can be regarded as a resolute person. It is someone who can take it by force. He does not give in to fear, pressure, failure, discouragement, or uncertainty. 

We have a good number of people who were very resolute in their days and Gideon was one. He kept pursuing even though he fainted (Judges 8:4). David, another example, ran after his enemies until he overtook them and recovered all (1 Samuel 30:6-8). Moses also, would not leave Egypt until Pharaoh had agreed to let all Israel go (Exodus 10:8-10, 24).  These resolute minds “through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, …escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight” (Hebrews 11:33-34). You can be victorious like them if you are like-minded. 

Dear friend, life is full of many battles that must be fought and won. To be victorious in life endeavours, living above sin, being fulfilled,  making progress in your chosen career, achieving stable success in business, you must be resolute. And to finally make it to heaven, you must be resolute. Be reminded that success or victory is not obtained cheaply. Let no one despise you. Defend your faith. Hold on to eternal life. Those who have succeeded are humans like you; if others have done it, you too can do it. When you feel weak, remember Christ is there to strengthen you. Men refused to help Gideon but one with God is a majority. Decide at once regardless of the odds. Believe. Be confident of this very one thing that, ‘’quitters never win, and winners never quit’’. Arise and go at once.   

Today’s Recite: ‘’I will not let you go, except thou bless me’’. Genesis 32:26   

Today’s Morning Prayers:  Lord I thank You because I can do all things through Christ (ii) Lord, make me a resolute believer in Jesus name. (iii) Lord, back me up as I have determined to press on in Jesus name. (iv) I command every obstruction before me to give way in Jesus name. Amen!   

Today’s Hymn: A Mighty Fortress

Today’s Read Me: 1 Samuel 1 - 3

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