2 min read

March 2023


Daily Companion  |  1 MARCH


 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. John 15:12 

There is a nursery rhyme that our little ones love to sing or listen to that should get us inspired: “I love You, You Love Me. We are a happy family With a great big Hug and a Kiss from Me to You. Won’t You say You love me too.” The song resonates the commandment of God to us all: “that ye love one another.” 

Our God is love personified. And when God created us He created us in His likeness (nature) and love is part of that nature. “God is love: and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” (1 John 4:16). Love is an independent attribute that does not depend on whether you have a particular gift of God or not. One may have the gift of miracle or prophesy, yet without love. One may be a generous giver, but still full of evil and hatred. For example, there used to be a particular philanthropist who had many indigent on his payroll. He fed and sheltered the poor. Many youths benefited from his scholarship scheme. But few years later, he was found to be using same people for money rituals. Make no mistake, Love has no counterfeit. But only few really knows what love truly means. May God reveal that to you this day in Jesus’ name.            

 Love heals and brings prosperity. Love forgives. Love is patient and kind; love does not envy. Love is not proud. Love is not selfish. Love thinks no evil of others; and does not rejoice in sin either but rejoices in the truth. Love believes all things, not suspicious.  It endures all things. And above all, Love never fails. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). 

Beloved, in our homes, community, church, workplace, if we want to succeed, let us love one another. Let “love of Christ constrain us” from undue suspicions (2 Corinthians 5:14, 15). Let love “cover the multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:8). Allow love help you let go. Do you find it hard to love? Come to the Source and Giver of Love, Jesus Christ, today. Ask Him to purge you from hate and unforgiveness. Ask for the Spirit of love.

 Today’s Recite: The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. (Romans 5:5).  

 Today’s Morning Prayer: My Father and my God. I thank You for a new day, a new month. I know You are the God of love. Grant me Your grace to love others. Help me to be a child in love. Help my neighbour to love me as well. May the blessings of love be upon us all In Jesus mighty name.  Amen   

Today’s Hymn: O HOW I LOVE JESUS   

Today’s Read Me: Deuteronomy 23 – 26

Today’s Read Me: Deuteronomy 23 – 26

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