2 min read

Daily Companion  |  8 June


“And it was so that when he had turned his back to go from Samuel , God gave him another heart; and all those signs came to pass that day.’’ 1Samuel 10:9

A brother who was preparing to get married visited a family and saw their children jumping around from one corner to another. The play distracted the would-be groom from his usual meditation and decorum. Then, he taught within himself, “Can I cope with this when I get married?” Then the Holy Spirit brought a verse to his heart: “I have yet many things to say unto you, but now but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you’’. By interpretation, there is grace for every stage you want to get to in life to fit in and function maximally as expected. 

Growth is progressive in all aspects of life. You cannot attain it all at once. Hence, as you move from one stage to another, up the ladder of success in life and ministry, there is need to ask for more grace on the daily basis to fit in. King Saul had a civilian mind before he became king. But after being crowned, God gave him another mind for the new roles. He was not afraid of battles. When he spoke, all Israel responded positively and whenever he went to the battles he won because of (simply put it as) ‘new grace’ in the new role. 

Our Lord Jesus Christ, the same way, told the disciples that when the Holy Spirit they will recieve power to fit in. Remember, as long as the bridge groom is with them, none of the members of his house would fast. But when he is gone, they must fast because they need to do things for themselves. At that time grace to fast is needed and would be given. 

Dearly beloved, there is grace to live in new environment, to occupy the new position, to get and stay in new level. Little wonder we are admonished to cry ‘’grace, grace to it’’. You may sometimes wonder, why do they hate me? Why does this new environment seem hostile unlike the formal ones? Why do I have problem in this job unlike the formal ones? These and many more questions may have been coming to your heart. One answer for all the questions is simply, grace to fit in. Once this is done even your enemies will be at peace with you. 

Today’s Recite: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’’ Philippians 4:13 

Today’s Morning Prayer: Thank you Lord because I can do all things through you. Lord, I receive grace to fit in from now onward. Therefore, I command all things to begin to work in my favour as men worked for king Saul in Jesus name. Today, every favour attach to my life I command you to begin to come to pass in Jesus name. 


Today’s ReadMe:  Psalm 4 - 7

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