2 min read
June 20: DON'T GIVE UP

Daily Companion  |  20 June


If a man dies, shall he live again? All the days of my hard service I will wait, Till my change comes. Job 14:14 

A young man who felt frustrated of life was on the verge of taking his own life when an old man met him. "Son, what troubles you?", the old man asked. Everything troubles me. "My career, my finance, my family all trouble me and I'm fed up".  The old man: "Yes they seem to trouble you because you gave them up to suffer in your hands. If you cherish them, you won't give them up. You don't give up what you cherish. You fight for them. And now you want to give up the last thing you have left." "Old man, there is nothing left", the young man sobbed. "You want to give up the ghost." "No, God forbid, I will not give up the ghost." The old man: "Then, go and get your life back, son!"

As humans, we all aspire and set goals with hope to achieve them. Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. Being expectant can be unnerving especially when it’s taking longer than anticipated and seems not in sight. We are then tempted to “give them up” allowing them to suffer, or be abandoned. 

Have you been so disappointed and decided to “give up" on your cherished dreams, a plan, a project, or even your journey of faith in Christ Jesus? Are you expecting better finances, carer promotion or success, family bliss, or spiritual growth, but getting frustrated that they are out of reach? Surrounding circumstances may present a gloomy picture for the future but God says, your expectation shall not be cut off’ (Proverbs 23:18). Be assured. And never give up on your dreams.

Like Job, don't give up on your expectations. He decided to wait all his life till the expected turn-aroundWhile waiting, don’t be idle, pray and keep working, preparing for your change. 

Dear friend,  life is in stages and there’s an appointment time for everything and everyone, only if we can patiently wait in faith. To everything there is a season…(Ecclesiastes 3:1). Your season is coming. Just ‘don’t give up yet’ and never give up the ghost because God is about to make all things beautiful in His time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).   

Today’s Recite: In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust, let me never be ashamed, deliver me in thy righteousness (Psalm 31:1).   

Today’s Morning Prayers: Lord, thank You because my expectation shall not be cut off. Release upon my life more grace to trust in You without fainting. Help me to wait for my appointed time. Give me strength to push further. Assist me to make judicious use of my waiting period. For in Jesus name I pray. Amen!

Today’s Hymn: Because He lives, I Can Face tomorrow (CHS 199)

Today’s ReadMe:  Psalm 65 - 69

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