2 min read

Daily Companion  |  12 June


‘’And he changeth the times and the seasons, he removeth kings and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise and knowledge to them that know understanding’’ Daniel 2:21

The man, Nebuchadnezzar was ruling almost the whole earth as the world power in his  time. He felt he had all the powers to himself but to his greatest surprise, he later realised that there was a King above all kings. The King that can change kings and seasons. Our text shows that God can change times whatever it is at the moment for the better if only you desire it. 

We have examples across the scriptures that confirm to us that God is the only one that can do it. He changed leaves to animal skin for Adam to wear. He changed a destructive flood to ark-lifting water for His own purpose. Did he not change death to life for them? He changed Moses, a run-away manslaughter to a mighty leader of thousands. Did he not make red sea path to make passage for Israel to the promise land while the enemies drown in the same? Of course, he did. Now are you convinced? Or not yet? Alright, take this example also. The sickness of Lazarus, what did he do with it? Yes, you are very correct. It is not unto death but to glorify God. What about this? Uneducated fisherman, Peter by name; what did he do with his life? Did you still remember? He became dead-raising minister. Is that all? No. What again did He do with his life? He became a shadow-healing preacher. These are the handiwork of a time and life changing God. Then, who is the next person in whose life God will demonstrate his time changing power?  Did I hear you saying it loud and clear? I repeat it after you; you are the one in Jesus name. 

Changing bad times to good ones is just so easy and simple with your faith in God. Just think about it that it is possible. Do you remember that as you think in your heart, so you are? (2 Kings 7:3-14; Proverbs 4:23). Pray about it also (Daniel 2:18-19; Ephesians 5:16). Take appropriate steps (2Kings 7:5-10). Don’t ignore the assistance of good people around you (Daniel 2:16-18) as you look forwards to seeing the expected change. However, if you are still in sins, you have to repent from them all as this will hinder heaven from rendering relevant assistance. 

Today’s Recite: “All the day of my appointed time will I wait time my change comes” (Job 14:14) 

Today’s Morning Prayer: Thank You Lord because my appointed time is coming. Oh Lord, change my negative times and seasons for the better in Jesus name. I cancel every plot of death against my life, time and season in Jesus name. Amen! 


Today’s ReadMe:  Psalm 24 - 28

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