2 min read

Daily Companion  |  10 June


Text: Psalms 15:1-5

He who does these things shall never be moved. - Psalm 15:5 

A zealous and handworking young man just got promoted at work over the long-serving workers at his workplace. He became a subject of envy, hatred and evil conspiracy. “He came from nowhere and took our place here, we must move him out of this job”, some disgrunted and corrupt workers conspired against him. Every scheme against the upright young man backfired on them and one by one, all the conspirators were either sacked or suspended instead of the man being moved.

God means every word of His promise to the upright in heart. The upright shall never be moved. He said, “Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel”. He declared concerning His righteous servants, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper”. “Whoever assembles against you shall fall for your sake”. The righteous is immovable because he is in God, and God is in Him. He dwells constantly in God’s place. If you will move the righteous, you will have to move God first. 

Eleven attributes of the immovable righteous were listed in Psalm 15 which are also confirmed by prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 33:14-16). They can be summarised as: upright and truthful person, respectful and compassionate person, uncompromising and promise-keeping person. 

Beloved, are you upright? Do you abide in God’s tarbanacle or dwell in His holy hill? Is your dwelling place with God, the consuming Fire and everlasting Burning? Do you possess all the eleven attributes of the righteous? These are attributes that come with genuine salvation. When you forsake the sinful way, bad communication and follow the path of righteousness, God will become your delight and His tabarnacle will be your dwelling place. You will never be moved.

Today’s Recite: “A man is not established by wickedness, But the root of the righteous cannot be moved." Proverbs 12:3 (NKJV)

Today’s Morning Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for the promise of keeping the righteous immovable. I confess all my unrighteous habits and action. I ask for grace to be upright and righteous from this day henceforth in Jesus name. Amen!

Today’s Hymn:  IN CHRIST ALONE   (CHS 205)

Today’s ReadMe:  Psalm 12 - 18

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