2 min read

Daily Companion  | 30 July


I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.” - Galatians 2:21 (NKJV)

The Galatian brethren started well in the faith until when they began to drift away. Setting aside God's grace, forgetting the past divine miracles and wonders, they began to resort to the arm of flesh, carnality and philosophical ideology. They practically frustrated, despised God's grace by replacing faith with the physical. 

Faith is when man decides to please God but grace is when God takes it upon Himself to please man. You need to express faith first to receive grace. Faith and grace work together but grace is God-given and faith is self-developed. Lack or loss of faith leads to spiritual sinking and eventual shipwreck (1 Timothy 1:19 ). Enemies of faith are fear and doubt but the enemies of grace are science, philosphy, sin, the secular world etc. Demas because of loving the world fell out of grace. Judas because of money fell out grace. Ananiah and Saphira because of greed fell out of grace. When Peter’s faith began to wane, grace flowed from Christ to stop him from sinking. May you never lack grace in the time of need. 

Beloved, deliberate sin is a reproach to grace. Can we continue in sin and grace abound? Impossible! Inasmuch more grace abounds where sin abounds, it can be frustrated by being stretched to the limit. When you willfully sin, grace is laso despised. But by crying "Lord, save me", grace returns. And when grace speaks into your situation, scientific and all human rules are broken. God Himself will validate you, and the doubters will be silenced. Because of grace, you will get things you cannot earn, and God may even disregard things that ought to disqualify you. Grace will keep your family, job, finances, and other things from falling apart or suffering shipwreck. Grace will do for you what you are unable to do for yourself. Grace will make your route to greatness smoother and simpler, and grace will keep your haters from bringing you down. Grace brings breakthrough. Do not despise it. May grace will speak for you today.  

Today’s Recite:  The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen. (Philemon 1:25)

Today’s Morning Prayers: My God, I thank You for Your grace. Help never to fall out of grace. I will never despise or nullify grace in my life in Jesus name! Help my unbelief as well. Help me in building up my faith, Lord. May grace bring me out of problems today in Jesus name. Amen!


Today’s ReadMe:  Isaiah 49 - 52

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