2 min read

Daily Companion  | 20 July


‘“For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.” - Romans 12:3

   Although humans all have a natural tendency toward pride, arrogance is however harsher and appears to be a sin of rebellion. Rebellion is seen with greater contempt than any other sin. Satan fell because of arrogance rather than pride. Arrogance is exaggerating one's own importance or worth or having a tendency to do so. It is displaying an attitude of superiority and significance above everyone else. We must be warned about it and equipped to combat it. 

 In Christ, the Head of the body and the focal point of our unity, all the saints form one body. Some people are called to certain roles in the church, while others are for a different calling. We are to do as much good as we can for one another and for the good of all. We would be humbled if we fully understand the abilities we possess and how much we  have fallen short at improving them. How much of the gift you possess has been discharged to build up the body of Christ? And how much of effort has been made to improve on its skillful use? Your ability should rather make you humbler.

Another way to exhibit arrogance is to watch and do nothing, waiting for an error to be committed. Such arrogance may not seen by men but God does. Just as we must not be arrogant about our abilities, we must exercise caution that, under the guise of humility and self-denial, we become lackadaisical to the common good of all. Instead of saying, "I will sit still, be quiet and do nothing," you should rather say, "I will spend myself to the fullest by the grace of Christ till all is happier." The latter is nobler, the former is arrogant. 

Beloved, whatever your talents or status in the church or society, low or high, endeavor to use them in a humble, diligent, joyful, and simple way, serving the good of many rather than your personal glory or gain. Beware! You may be arrongant without being conscious and cautious of it.

Today’s Recite:  

“Talk no more so very proudly. Let no arrogance come from your mouth. For the LORD is the God of knowledge; and by Him actions are weighed.” - 1 Samuel 2:3

Today’s Morning Prayers: Heavenly Father, I humble myself You this day. Search my heart and see if there is any arrogance in it. Purge me from hidden pride. Sanctify my heart. Gran me humility and simplicity of heart. For in Jesus name I pray. Amen!   

Today’s Hymn: WHITER THAN SNOW  (CHS 55)

Today’s ReadMe:  Isaiah 9 - 13

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