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Daily Companion  | 18 July


Bible Passage: Isaiah 1:2 - 19

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow... If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. - Isaiah 1:18-19

  In 1961 Peter Benenson, a british lawyer wrote in defence of two Portuguese students who were jailed for raising a toast for freedom. The publication sparked up a global reaction that led to the birth of Amnesty International. It was on the concept of amnesty that, in 25 June, 2009, the Nigerian government offered an amnesty package to rebels and militants to laid down their weapons in exchange of freedom.

Amnesty is an official pardon for offenders of the state. It is an offer of pardon for repentance. But this is a good gesture that originated from God Himself to every sinner: the divine amnesty. Divine amnesty was brought to all through Christ Jesus. No matter the gravity of your sin, God is willing to pardon. Irrespective of the hurt and harm you have caused in consequences to your past sinful life, the Lord is offering you an amnesty:  a white robe in exchange of blood stained hands and garment. 

Dear friend, the Lord is merciful. He said, "Come now." Now  is your salvation nearer than when you believed (Romans 13:11). Now is the time, tomorrow may be too late. Surrender your heart to Christ today and recieve His Divine Amnesty to your life. Accept Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and renounce the sins of rebelions and all works of unrighteousness. The Lord promises, "If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land" and you will prosper. Amen

Today’s Recite: "While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation." - Hebrews 3:15

Today’s Morning Prayers:  Lord I thank You for the offer of amnesty for me. I thank for offering Your only begotten Son to die for me. I confess my sins and surrender my life to You. Grant me Your grace to sin no more. I will forever be grateful for blotting out all my iniquities. Keep me in Your will forever in Jesus name. Amen!   


Today’s ReadMe:  Isaiah 1 - 4

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