2 min read
March 16: JEHOVAHJIREH - The LORD Will Provide

Daily Companion  |  16 March


Bible Passage: Genesis 22:1-14

  And Abraham called the name of the place,  The-LORD-Will-Provide as it is said to this day,  “In the Mount of the LORD it shall be provided.”  Genesis 22:14 (NKJV) 

  Each day comes with its challenges. There are needs to be met, some of which are essential. At times, there are not enough resources to meet these; and we may be tempted to forget that God remains the unfailing Provider. Like Abraham, it may be time to be tested. Abraham utterance of faith was so strong in his moment of test of faith. First, he told his servants, “the lad and I …will come back to you.” What a certainty! Secondly, he told Isaac, “My son, God will provide for Himself a lamb.” What a prophetic assurance! Surely, both came to pass. The Lord did provide Himself with a lamb and they both came back alive.

 Beloved friend, in surplus and in scarcity, God is always the Provider. We just need to trust Him. Tests of faith may come like a knife thrust through to the heart or placed on the neck to slit the throat. Like offering your only Isaac, last meal of the Zarephath widow (1 Kings 17:10-16), or last mites of the poor widow in the temple (Luke 21:1-4), faith tests our trust and dependence on God even when we have worked hard to make both ends meet. 

Faith does not deal with flesh and blood, human calculations, or science. It deals exclusively with invisible God who makes the impossible possible. Matthew Henry commented, “In matters of God, whoever consults with flesh and blood, will never offer up his Isaac to God.” Faith is a measure of awareness of God’s presence, a measure of His existence in our lives. Its existence is only seen by its professors until it brings out the miracle for the world to see. 

Faith comes alive through obedience. Every demonstration of faith comes with a sacrifice to make, your only Isaac, last meal or mites to offer. What is that ‘Isaac’, ‘last meal’ or ‘the last two mites’ the Lord God is asking you to offer today? First, He asks you give Him your life. Remember God will never ask from you what He has not first provided you!  He is Jehovahjireh. 

Today’s Recite: But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19). 

Today’s Morning Prayer: I thank You, Jehovah for always being my Provider. Forgive me for being stingy with what You have freely given me. I pray Your abundant grace and faith on me to trust in You in my times of trial in Jesus’ name. Amen! 

Today’s Hymn: Have Faith in God

Today’s Read Me: Judges 7 – 9

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