2 min read

Daily Companion  |  28 January


’Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, go sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy children of the rest’’. - 2 Kings 4:7. 

There was a woman in time of old who would have forfeited her sons due to debt owed by her deceased husband. But she would not allow that because she realized that to be in debts was not a good thing. So, she ran to a true man of God for assistance. The man of God introduced her to trade using what the woman had as start-up capital. There is something you have that can bail you out of debts and poverty.

 Debt is common among men. Everyone may owe one thing or the other at one point or the other a lifetime. Debt is anything due to an individual that has not been given. 

It could be a financial debt. This is money or money-worth owe to an individual, organisation or even God in the forms of our titles and offerings (2 Kings 4:1). 

Secondly, figurative debts. These represent any other things due to others in one way or the other that they have been deprived of. These may include respect, honour, submission, fear,  courtesy, visitation, and other things that are non-financial in nature. Romans 13:6-8. We are expected to pay all debts. 

Lastly, debt may be the debt of sin. Sin against God and man is a debt that needs to be paid. The debt of our sins has been paid for by the death and resurrection of His Son Christ Jesus. On the other hands, offences of all kinds may be paid by simply apologizing to the victim. Mathew 6:12. 

God makes provisions for the settlement of all debts. He settled the debt of sins by the death of his son. Hence, he has commanded us not to owe anyone. To live a debt-free life, firstly, claim God promises for a debt-free life in Deuteronomy 28:12 The LORD will open to you His good treasure …. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow (NKJV). Secondly, engage in a profitable godly trade. 2 Kings 4:7. Thirdly, be industrious. Acts 20:34. There must be judicious spending of available resources and shun laziness. 1 Thessalonians 3:8-14   

Today’s Recite: ‘’the Lord is able to give thee much more than this’’. 2 Chronicles 25:9 

Today’s Morning Prayers: (i) Thank You, Lord because I am far above debts through You (ii) Lord give me grace to pay every debt. (iii) Henceforth, I obtain grace to owe no man anything. (iv) I declare myself blessed above debt in Jesus’ name (v) Pour upon me Your good treasures of abundance and lend to others in Jesus' name. Amen! 

Today’s Hymn: Out of my Bondage 

Today ReadMe: Exodus 30 – 32

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