2 min read

Daily Companion  |  27 January


If a man dies, shall he live again? All the days of my hard service I will wait, Till my change comes. Job 14:14 (NKJV)

A middle-income family lived in a gated house in the city. It was their usual practice to lock the gate after dinner. One day, the housemaid after dinner picked up the padlock to lock the gate but the woman of the house quickly stopped her. “Don’t lock the gate yet, daddy is arriving today.” The man of the house had gone on a journey for some days. It was before the era of mobile phone; no means to monitor his trip. “But ma, daddy doesn’t drive in the night and it is already dark, the housemaid reminded her. Later that night, while the wife was watching, waiting and praying, the man of the house arrived in a private cab. 

As humans, we all aspire and set goals. Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. Being expectant can be unnerving especially when it’s taking longer than anticipated and seems not in sight. We are tempted to “close or even the lock the gate”

Have you been so disappointed before and decided to “close the gate” of your heart to any relationship, or even Jesus Christ? Are you expecting better finances, carer promotion or success, family bliss, or spiritual growth? Surrounding circumstances may present a gloomy picture but God says, your expectation shall not be cut off’ (Proverbs 23:18). 

Like the woman of the house, waiting requires trust without wavering. She didn’t only trust her husband would arrive, she also had faith that nothing ill had happened to her husbandWhile waiting, don’t be idle, pray and keep working, preparing for your change. 

Dear friend,  life is in stages and there’s an appointment time for everything and everyone. To everything there is a season…(Ecclesiastes 3:1). Your season is coming. Just ‘Don’t lock the gate’ because God makes all things beautiful in His time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).   

Today’s Recite: In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust, let me never be ashamed, deliver me in thy righteousness (Psalm 31:1).   

Today’s Morning Prayers: Lord, thank You because my expectation shall not be cut off. Release upon my life more grace to trust You without fainting. Help me to wait for my appointed time. Assist to make judicious use of my waiting period.   

Today’s Hymn: Because He lives, I Can Face tomorrow 

Today ReadMe: Exodus 28 – 29

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