2 min read

Daily Companion  |  25 January



‘Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him.’  Acts 8:35 (NKJV)   

Philip was one of the 7-member welfare business committee who had just been appointed by the church. But more than ensuring effective discharge of his welfare responsibility was his passion to reach out to more with the gospel message. So, one day an angel spoke to him to head towards the Jerusalem-Gaza desert road and there the Holy Spirit led him to preach to a man, the head of Treasury to Her Majesty Candace, Queen of Ethiopia. The encounter resulted in a question of greater concern to the man: “I ask you, of whom does the prophet say this, of himself or of some other man?” (Read Acts 6:1-7 and Acts 8:26-38). 

Philip did not ignore the question of this man in the name of repentance; rather, he began from the problem presented by the man. Many of us make mistakes by ignoring issues that are crucial to our neighbours, children or spouse, brethren or co-workers by looking away from their concerns to virtually unrelated issues we may otherwise assume more important. The error could result in us often treating ringworm at the expense of leprosy. But Philip was not so, he began from the known to the unknown; from raised concern to perceived concern. 

To this end apostle James admonishes us to give what the body needs first before talking about prayer or something else (James 2:14-15). For instance, youths or children might come to you asking about relationships, becoming a millionaire, politics, and things you think are not appropriate at the moment. Don’t just despise them rather begin from the same issue and draw their attention to the needful later on.

 Paul often did this in almost all his encounters with the people. At times he used local language (Acts 22:1-3); he presented as a Pharisee; or told his listeners that the god they served unknowingly was the same God he was preaching to them. Moreover, the early apostles did not just blame the gentiles for their immaturity because they were often forgotten in daily distribution; rather, they began from the same issue: finding answers to their questions first.

 Hence, be a problem-solver and a solution-provider by paying attention to the pressing needs of the people in order to help them come to the knowledge of the truth.  Don't ignore it! Begin at the same.

Today’s Recite: ‘’as long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world’’ John 9:5

Today’s Morning Prayers: (i) Thank you Lord for making me a problem-solver. (ii) Lord, I am sorry for my previous wrong approach. Please, Lord, pardon me. (iii) Right now, I receive grace to handle all issues right in Jesus’ name. (iv) I declare solution to every issue I handle henceforth in Jesus' name (v) Lord be thou glorified in all in Jesus name. 

Today Hymn: Brighten The Corner Where You Are

Today ReadMe: Exodus 22 – 24

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