2 min read

Daily Companion  |  24 January


 "whom God raised up, having loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that He should be held by it." - Acts 2:24 (NKJV)

A paramilitary officer was traveling in his private car. On reaching a stop and search checkpoint, he was stopped by the checkpoint officer. Then they began to speak the military coded language in conversation. And then in a moment, the checkpoint officer allowed him to continue his journey while other vehicles were stopped, delayed, and searched. 

So many obstacles may want to be on the way to hinder or hold you up. It could be ‘’pains of death’’, sickness, sin and scandals, nightmares, retrogression, stagnancy, slow progress, business failure, family curses, and faulty foundation to mention but a few. The good news is that it is not possible for them to hold you unless you are not recognized by the power and authority of God. It was not possible to stop Samson even when he was bound with all sorts of ropes, not even Iron Gate could stop him. He removed it and took it straight away to the top of the mountain. Not even lion could harass him. Pharaoh could not stop Israel neither did red sea. Jordan did not stop Israel from crossing to the promised land. 

Likewise, every genuine child of God is unstoppable in his quest to get to his destination. The source of this unstoppable power is God himself who ‘’hath raised Him up’’. However, the only hindrance may be non-repentance from sins. Every man is dead in the sin of adultery, lie, fornication, hatred, and the like but if such a man would repent he would be quickened by the power of resurrection. Assuredly, you will be unstoppable in Jesus’ name. Challenges cannot stop you once you are recognised and shielded by the Authority that is you. Repent and seek divine power and authority to become entirely unstoppable now and always in Jesus’ name.   

Today’s Recite: There shall not any man be able to stand before thee (me) all the days of thy (my) life’’ (Joshua 1:5).   

Today’s Morning Prayers: (i) Thank You Lord because I am unstoppable through You. (ii) I declare all obstructions on my way to give way right now in Jesus’ name. (iii) Today, I am possessed with unstoppable power in Jesus’ name. (iv) Right now, I lose the pains of death, sickness, diseases, failure in Jesus’ name (v) Everything dead in me, hear the word of resurrection in Jesus name.

Today’s Hymn: A Mighty Fortress is Our God

Today ReadMe: Exodus 19 – 21

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