2 min read

Daily Companion  |  23 January


Though your beginning was small, Yet your latter end would increase abundantly. Job 8:7 (NKJV)  

There are about 5 seeds in an apple. Now, imagine that we planted these seeds, and each grew into an apple tree. It is estimated that an apple tree can produce from 150 to 300 apples each year and that an apple tree will produce apples for about fifty years. Just one seed would have yielded 7,500-15,000 apples in its entire life span with a total 37,500 to 75,000 seeds. You can imagine the factorial effects of planting each seed from each apple produced. In similar vein, mustard seed is  a small seed when planted grow and become great. On the contrary, every seed eaten is a generational loss. So, Don’t eat that seed, sow it! 

Reproduction is essence of life. It requires sowing. If you want knowledge, you need to sow in knowledge. If you want your income grow, you must invest. If you will like to see your branch church or ministry grow, then invest in evangelism and publicity. 

Certain conditions must be met to enjoy a bountiful harvest: (1) your seed must be viable and ripe. Time and maturity are part of the equation.  (2)The seed must be planted in the right soil and at the right season. Sometimes, it may worth the wait. (3) you must protect the seed from being destroyed while growing. Secure your investment appropriately (4) It must be watered and nurtured to maturity. It may require taking out the weeds, the choking competitors. 

Beloved, sowing requires hard work, extra sweating, and wisdomBut be assured, Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy (Psalms 126:5). Whenever we apply the law of sowing into our lives, prosperity is bound to follow. The promise of the Father is a greater end. You may earn little today;. Don’t eat all the seed, sow it! God shall increase your income very soon if you faint not in sowing. 

Today’s Recite:  And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9 (KJV)   

Today’s Morning Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for another day of journeying with me in this pilgrim. I thank You for the lesson of sowing today. I hereby refuse to eat the seed that will bring my bountiful harvest. Grant me the enduring grace and wisdom to sow lawfully and reap bountifully. Bless and secure the work of my hand. Breathe Your increase on my ministry. For in Jesus name I pray. Amen!   

Today’s Hymn: There Shall Be Showers of Blessings

Today ReadMe: Exodus 16 – 18

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