2 min read

Daily Companion  |  21 January


‘’The neighbours therefore, and they which before had seen him that he was blind said, is not he that sat and begged? John 9:8.

You might have been tempted to fret or wonder why unbelievers or the wicked prosper and God’s children are not.. This happens because the latter have to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness in order to obtain the additions that come with it. For instance, Abraham that was initially crying for children later had 8 children and there was no trace of the past. 

Joseph had changed to an extent that even Reuben the eldest in the family could not recognise him. In fact, there was no trace of the past. 

Paul at a time became a tent-maker to feed,  but later; he could spend and be spent. 2 Corinthians 12:15. Tell the righteous, ‘’it shall be well with him’’.  What are you passing through now? Certainly, the time is coming when there will be no trace of the past. Hence like Paul you also can say, ‘this one thing I do, forgetting the past and reaching forth to what is ahead’. 

Therefore, there is need for endurance and patience (Hebrews 10:36). Like Joseph, refuse to be lured into wickedness, and sin against God ” (Genesis 39:9). Keep doing the needful (righteous and hardworking way) until your change comes (Job 14:14). Remember, poverty is dealt with when you are still poor. Good health is worked for when you are actually sick. Glory and beauty are obtained when you are in ashes and shame. Also, heaven is gained when you are in the world of sin. So, press on, keep up the fight and be focused. Surely, you will forget your bad past. 

Have you gone astray already, it’s never too late to repent, retrace your step back to God and keep the fire burning. It is never too late to start over, and there will be no trace of the past.  

Today’s Recite: ’’But they had heard only, that he who persecuted us in times past now preach…..and they glorified God because in me’’. Galatians 1:23, 24.  

Today’s Morning Prayer:  

  • Thank you Lord because I will soon forget my painful past.
  • O Lord, visit me now in my helplessness
  • Turn my life around now in Jesus’ name.
  • I declare no trace of the sorrowful past in Jesus’ name.
  • It is well with me in Jesus’ name.

  Today’s Hymn: My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less

Today ReadMe: Exodus 10 – 12

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