2 min read

Daily Companion  |  15 January



Therefore, brethren, we are debtors—not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. (Romans 8:12)

There was a moment of accountability in the life of Samuel, the prophet (1 Samuel 12). He said, Behold, here I am: witness against me before the LORD, and before his anointed: whose ox have I taken? or whose ass have I taken? or whom have I defrauded? whom have I oppressed? or of whose hand have I received any bribe to blind mine eyes therewith? and I will restore it you. And they said, Thou hast not defrauded us, nor oppressed us, neither hast thou taken ought of any man's hand (1 Samuel 12:3,4). 

Such moment must need come to everyone. You may or not be in a position of leadership like Moses. But everyone has something rule over: the body of sin called the flesh. God said, sin lieth at the door - and thou shalt rule over him (Genesis 4:7). There are certain urges that usually come from within or without the flesh. They could be sinful habits to cheat, steal, falsify, lie, bribe or take bribe, fornicate or masturbate. They could be tendencies to oppress, subjugate, impoverish, or illtreat others. These are all dictates of the flesh. You are not under any obligation to succumb to whatever these urges or tendencies tell you. Beloved, you must always be conscious of this: you are not indebted to the flesh. That your flesh is a personality involved in the act of sin and you are not under obligation to obey it. You are to rather rule over it. 

But you need self-discipline to rule over the flesh.  A man without self-control is like a city, broken down and without walls (Proverbs 25:28). Self-control means restraining yourself. 

Secondly, you need God’s Spirit to counter the flesh. You must be born of the Spirit. Allow the Spirit to help you rule: For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. The word of God is spirit, read it always. 

Lastly, remove the flesh pleasing items from your priority list. It does not worth it. It is mere dust and dust shall it return. Rather, Set your affection on things above - for our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Lord Jesus Christ: who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body. (Colossians 3:2; Philippians 3:20, 21).

Today’s Recite: Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul. (I Peter 2:11).  

Today’s Morning Prayer:  Thank You Jesus for paying the debt for my sin on the cross. I surrender all to You today. Help me to overcome the sinful flesh always. I pray for more self-control and discipline. Lead me by Your Spirit and grant me grace to navigate this world with integrity, hardworking and righteousness. Hence, help me to see Your face in holiness at last. For I pray in Jesus mighty name. Amen!  

Today’s Hymn: Yield Not To Temptation  

Today’s Read Me: Genesis 43-46

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