2 min read

Daily Companion | 4 February


‘’Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee’’. Psalms 85:6

It was a shocking experience to Ebenezer when the news of the demise of his mother broke to him. It was so devastating that he dropped down and passed out. Quickly men ran to him took him up and managed to resuscitate him. After so much shouting, shaking, pouring of water and prayer, he responded and was restored back to life. Thankfully he only passed out but not passed away. 

Similarly, when the spiritual life of a man drops down. It takes so much effort individually and collectively to restore him back to the faith. But the truth of the matter is that we can be fully restored back to the faith as long as we have not passed away. In time of revival, the Spirit of God is poured on all flesh, God’s word becomes mighty, there is submission to the will of God, strong hatred for sin is evident, prompt respond to spiritual things, there is genuine repentance and thirst for the things of God, and above all there is rejoicing from outpouring of heavenly blessings. 

But when there is no revival, there is often closure of heavenly doors, powerless demonstration of bible truth, the use of gospel as a tool for personal wealth, uncleanness in the holy places, lack of manifestation of true miracles, and things turn upside down generally. Moreover, revival is hindered when there is no brokenness of the heart, indifference to the word of God, sinfulness, no separation from distractions, satanic attacks, hopelessness and veil of unbelief. 

Everyone looking for true revival (i) must come in genuine repentance by confessing all known sins; (ii) must have faith that God is able to revive; (iii) live a sanctified life; (iv) thirst and pray for it; (v) wait upon God with thanksgiving at all time. Yet, if we will determine in our heart today to see the unusual happening, He will come and pour His spirit upon us this day. 

Today’s Recite: ‘’And Elisha saw it, and cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel , and the horse men thereof… where is God of Elijah? (2 Kings 2:12,14). 

Today’s Morning Prayer: (i) I bless you Lord God of revival. (ii) Lord, take away all hindrances to revival before me (iii) Lord, revive me again, revive my family again, revive our church again (iv) Bring back to us the joy of revival and its accorded blessings (v) Lord, send down the fire of revival everywhere in Jesus’ name. Amen! 

Today’s Hymn: Revive Us Again 

Today ReadMe: Leviticus 11 - 13

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