2 min read

Daily Companion | 12 February


 Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips.    - Psalms 141:3   

During World War II, the United States Office of War Information printed the slogan “loose lips sink ships” on posters and hung them in many public places, such as schools and churches. It was a general campaign to advise citizens and service men to avoid careless talks that can undermine the war efforts. Unguarded conversation could reveal information to the enemy by mere telling someone that your loved one was aboard a ship. A spy or an opponent could receive that knowledge. The posters show in detail a ship being attacked and soldiers being killed.

Speaking carelessly (i.e., having "loose lips") when discussing private or delicate matters could put you and others in danger and lead to death. If such should happen (God forbid), how do you see yourself being a murderer? Hence, don’t belittle the power of the tongue. "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit" (Proverbs 18:21).

Your words accurately indicate your spiritual condition and spiritual maturity. Your conversations tell who you really are. Anything spoken out of bitterness, slander, murmuring, or backbiting grieves God. As a believer, your words are to be used for edifying, life building and healing of broken hearts.

Dear friend, life is full of war on daily basis: from seen and unseen enemies. You never know who spy to the devil. Hence, you need a guard over your lips. The “guard”, used also in the military, does not allow anyone to go in and out of a city. A guard is always on the alert to protect the people against attack from the enemy. In the context of our key scripture today, you need God to set a guard and keep a watch over your mouth. Because no man can tame the tongue… (James 3:8). 
Finally, you need God to teach you how to use your tongue wisely. Teach me, and I will hold my tongue… (Job 6:24).

Today’s Recite: Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom. (Micah 7:5).   

Today’s Morning Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for another beautiful day. I repent from loose lips today. Be  a Guard over my tongue. Keep watch over my word. Grant me grace to speak wisely and to edify; to build up and to make alive. May the enemy not prevail in my life and family. May I not sink the ship of my progress through loose lips in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Today’s Hymn: Christian Walk Carefully

Christian, walk carefully; danger is near!

On in thy journey with trembling fear;

Snares from without, and temptations within,

Seek to entice thee once more into sin.

Christian, walk carefully,

Christian, walk carefully,

Christian, walk carefully, danger is near!

Christian, walk cheerfully through the fierce storm,

Dark though the sky with it’s threats of alarm;

Soon will the clouds and the tempest be o’er,

Then with thy Saviour thou’lt rest evermore.

Christian, walk cheerfully

Christian, walk cheerfully

Christian, walk cheerfully through the fierce storm.

Christian, walk prayerfully; Oft wilt thou fall,

If thou forget on thy Saviour to call;

Safe thou shall walk through each trial and care,

If thou art clad in the armour of prayer.

Christian, walk pray’rfully

Christian, walk pray’rfully

Christian, walk pray’rfully fear lest thou fall.

Christian, walk hopefully; sorrow and pain

Cease when the haven of rest thou shalt gain;

Then from the lips of the Judge, thy reward:

“Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”

Christian, walk hopefully

Christian, walk hopefully

Christian, walk hopefully rest thou shalt gain.


Today’s Read Me: Numbers 7 - 9

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