5 min read

Daily Companion  | 27 December


“And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.” - Mark 1:35

Jonathan Edward, an American revivalist preacher wrote, “A true Christian doubtless delights in religious fellowship, and Christian conversation and finds much to affect his heart in it; but he also delights at times to retire from all mankind to converse with God in solitary places. And this also has its peculiar advantages for fixing his heart, and engaging his affections. True religion disposes persons to do much alone in solitary places, for holy meditation and prayer.”

There’s a place of Solitude in all our lives. With the hurstle and bustle of our daily activities, it is expedient that we be intentional about having “alone time” with God. We are in an age of distraction and nobody is left out both the children and adults. People are busy with paid jobs or businesses to earn a living. Others are involved in either acquiring knowledge in a craft or undergoing a course to create a career path of their dreams. Healthy marriages are built on the habit of couples, who see to it that they carve out time alone from children and guests. So does a believer with Our God.

There are records in the Bible that indicate that Jesus, our perfect example had quality time in solitude with God. After His baptism, He spent 40 days praying in the wilderness. (Luke 4:1-2, 14-15). This was to prepare Him for the task ahead. It was after this He was tempted by Satan and then began His  ministry afterwards.  He also spent a whole night praying when he was to choose His twelve disciples. Luke 6:12-13. Another instance was before His crucifixion. Luke 22:39-44.

The reason why some people do not spend time alone with God is because they do not know the importance and benefits. David in Psalm 63:5-6 highlighted the power of secret communion with God. Spending time with God gives us the opportunity to talk to God about the deepest desires in our hearts and minds, having a place to recharge after hard work and also Christ communicates to us through His word.

Today’s Recite: Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. (Psalm 46:10)

Today's Morning Prayer: Dear Lord, please grant me the earnest desire to always find solace in you. Give me the grace, to develop a connection that will continually draw me to having a secret time with you. As I do Lord, build me up in the Spirit and teach me to live for you alone in Jesus name. Amen   


Today's Hymn: Nearer my God to thee (CHS 57)       

Today’s ReadMe:  Genesis 6



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