2 min read

Daily Companion  | 20 December


For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye. - Zechariah 2:8

In medical practice, the most important and frequently used reflex to assess the level of activity of the brain in an unconscious or head-injured person is the reaction of the apple of the eye, also called "the pupil." The pupillary reaction is essential to ascertain alertness or brain death. The eye blinks an average of 15 times a minute to protect the apple of the eye. It is the most sensitive part of the body and the fastest reflex in the body to any danger.

If the eye can blink 15 times every minute to protect the apple of the eye, one can only imagine how God is sensitive to protecting His children from any harm. When you become the beloved of the Lord, His inheritance, His portion, and of course the apple of His eye, there is nothing God cannot do to protect and preserve you. God cherishes His inheritance. He encircles them, so are you encircled by God. He secures them: So, are you. The devil cannot touch you. Paul said, “Ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's (I Corinthians 3:23). Solomon said, “I am His.” (Song 2:16). The Lord's portion is His people. (Deuteronomy 32:9).

Dear friend, irrespective of your present situation, when you make yourself to be found by God and you surrender your life to Him, you become the apple of His eye. He blinks 15 times every minute to keep you protected. You are God’s inheritance. A great transaction occurred before God repossessed you from Satan. The moment you are saved, you become His treasure. You are special, treasured, and favoured. But “Ye are not your own, ye are bought with a price.” (I Corinthians 6:19). And here comes your responsibility, he who has been born (purchasedof God keeps himself (from sinning), and that wicked one (Satandoes not touch him (1 John 5:18). 

Today’s Recite: "But thus saith the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children." -  Isaiah 49:25 

Today’s Morning Prayer: Oh God, thank You for the assurance of Your protective grace. I will never be ungrateful to You Lord. Grant me Thy Grace to always be conscious of my identity in You. Grant me the grace to keep myself from idols. Lead me to my land of honey and milk. Let it please You to protect and prosper me always. For in Jesus name I pray. Amen!   

Today’s Hymn: Close To Thee (Thou My Everlasting Portion)

Today's ReadMe: Revelation 20



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