2 min read

Daily Companion  | 10 December


 After this manner therefore pray ye: our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Matthew 6:9 

Omaid was at an event when he got a missed voicemail on his phone about his father being rushed to the hospital. While rushing to the Emergency, he received another call that his father had passed away. Omaid became devastated and from that moment his life came crashing down. In an attempt to seek counselling, he stumbled on a book written by John Kralik, "A Simple Act of Gratitude". John was a broke and miserable lawyer, divorcing twice and finally not even being able to afford his rent. “Until you learn to be grateful for the things you have, you will not receive the things you want” was the voice in John Kralik’s head on a New Year’s Day in Pasadena that changed his life forever. John decided to be writing a note of gratitude per day, 365 days a year.

Omaid found that it was easy to complain about your life until you had someone else’s life to compare to. Writing a note of gratitude gave him also a positive emotion that helped him to move on after his father passed away. 

Beloved, the Lord’s prayer started with gratitude, indicating that it's an important aspect of prayer. Gratitude is an act of being thankful to our benefactor. It shows that we appreciate the value of what was done and create avenues for us to get more benefits. This is a general law that applies to our physical, emotional, social and spiritual life. As humans, there is a natural tendency to focus on 9 bad things that happen to us but found wanting in the place of showing gratitude for the one good thing. Ingratitude is a sign of perilous times (2 Timothy 2:3). King David understood and enjoyed the power of gratitude, Singing and eulogizing God was his lifestyle (Psalm 30:12). Israelite soldiers led by King Jehoshaphat conquered a daunting battle through the praising with instruments and music (2 Chronicles 20:21-30). The high and gigantic Jericho wall fell at the shout of praises of the Israelites and the trumpets sound (Joshua 6:20). 

Being thankful gives you sound mental health, good human relations, peace, and victories, increases your faith, and opens the door for life opportunities, and more blessings. Ingratitude on the other limits God’s blessings.

Today’s Recite: In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

 Today’s Morning Prayer: Our heavenly Father I am very grateful for all that all that You have done for me and for another new day of blessings. Teach me the acts of gratitude. Help me to be thankful to people around me: people who show me love. People who have helped me in my life journey. Help me to be grateful to my parents, spouse, friends and family, employers and employees. From this day may my life be full of gratitude forever and ever in Jesus mighty name. Amen  


Today's ReadMe: Revelation 6-7


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