2 min read

Daily Companion  | 1 December


"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust.” - Psalms 91:1-2 (NKJV) 

David was a young shepherd boy who spent his days caring for his flock, facing predators, and occasionally confronting dangers such as prowling wolves, bears and lions. David was very brave and vigilant but he also knew that some threats were beyond his capacity to handle alone.

One particularly stormy day, David found himself and his flock caught in the open fields. Panic set but David remembered his father's teachings about the faithfulness of God. Amid the tempest, David began to pray, "The Lord is my refuge." He led his sheep to a nearby cave he had often used as a shelter. But in that haven, he felt a profound peace and a deep assurance that the Lord was with him.

This experience became a testimony to David's faith that he shared with the world generation after generation exhorting us to trust in the Lord, not just in moments of peril, but in all facets of life.

Beloved, just as David and his flock found safety in a cave, so do we find our spiritual shelter in God. The world may indeed bring threats and fears, but our trust is in the unfailing God. He is our Shelter, our impenetrable Defence, and in Him, our souls can rest easy. Walk with this conviction and share the comfort you have received today with others. Or are you being tormented by the sting of sins, and Satan buffets you day and night with terrors or you are facing a storming life? Come to the Saviour, Jesus Christ to take refuge. Repent and be converted today and you will find a Shelter in the Lord.

Today’s Recite: "The LORD of hosts is with us;the God of Jacob is our refuge." -  Psalms 46:7

Today’s Morning Prayer:  Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we come to You today with grateful hearts, reminded by Your Word that You are our refuge. We come to You with our whole lives to save. Help us to recognize Your presence as our place of safety. Help us to trust You more deeply, to rest in Your protection, and to be strengthened by Your grace. Lord, guide us to seek shelter in Your love at all times, and to know that no tempest is too fierce when we are hidden in the sanctuary of Your care. Teach us to extend this assurance to others, so that they too may come to know You as their refuge. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.

Today’s Hymn: THE LORD IS MY REFUGE (CHS 206)

Today's ReadMe: 1 Peter 3 - 5


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