2 min read
August 10: DO YOU BELIEVE?

Daily Companion  | 10 August


And when He had come into the house, the blind men came to Him. And Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?”They said to Him, “Yes, Lord.” -   Matthew 9:28

Whether you are going through a tough time or you simply want to deepen your spiritual experience with God, faith serves as a powerful anchor that holds within the veil. Faith holds on to the promises of God. Strengthening your faith in miracles, however, can often be a challenging journey. Today we share some practical yet potent ways to bolster your faith for constant life of miracles.

Recall your past blessings. One of the most effective ways to strengthen your faith in miracles is by recalling past testimonies: when things worked out unexpectedly, health was restored, provision came at the last minute, or a surprising door of opportunity opened. Remembering these instances will serve as a powerful reminder that miracles do happen, and they can happen for you too. Read or Listen to God's word. So, then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:16-17). Read miracle stories in the Bible, Christian literature, and numerous podcasts and videos online featuring interviews with people who have experienced miracles. 

Return Gratitude and Glory to God always. Acknowledging and expressing gratitude for the blessings you currently have can pave the way for more miracles in your life. Rejuvenate your Prayer life with fasting. Certainly, some miracles are hard to get. However, Christ said, "This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” (Matthew 17:21). Revolve Yourself with Believe-in-Miracle People. The people you spend most of your time with can significantly influence your faith life. On the contrary, if those around you are doubtful or cynical, your miracles may be far-fetched. Resolute, Never Give Up. While signs and wonders are often unexpected and surprising, they usually come to those who keep their faith alive even in challenging times. Remember, sometimes the biggest miracles happen just when you're about to give up.

Beloved, God knows your needs but He's waiting for you to tell Him, Yes Lord.  What is that thing you want God to do for you like the blind men? Do you now believe God can do it? If yes, then pray now.

Today’s Morning Prayer: O Lord God, I thank You for the past wonders in my life. I come to You this morning with my pressing need. You are the Miracle Worker. I receive my miracles in Jesus' name. I receive my breakthrough. I receive my healing. I receive my deliverance in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!  

Today’s Recite: Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in Mount Zion. -  Isaiah 8:18


Today’s ReadMe:  Jeremiah 21 - 23

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