3 min read

Daily Companion  | 7 August


Bible Reading: Ezekiel 23:1-11

 Oholah played the harlot even though she was Mine; and she lusted for her lovers... Now although her sister Oholibah saw this, she became more corrupt in her lust than she, and in her harlotry more corrupt than her sister’s harlotry.- Ezekiel 23:5, 11.

Whether in the family or church, there are certain youths that exert influence without authority. They are not leaders yet they influence the younger ones into erroneous and rebellious acts. Herein is the story of two sisters, Oholah and Oholibah, who played whoredom. Oholah demonstrated the power of negative influence without authority, worldliness and spiritual harlotry. Oholah was older but her unworthy and ungodly character influenced Oholibah into similar and even worse behaviour. 

The Younger ones often look up to their older youths in character and life’s goal rather than their parents or leaders more often. Children may imitate and would rather learn from their peers. This singular factor was responsible for the sin of Oholah and Oholibah. In today's context Oholah is a social media influencer (on facebook, instagram) whom the younger ones would rather follow than their parents. The error that led to Dinah’s (Jacob’s only daughter) spiritual death. This must be discouraged in homes and the house of God. 

The deceptive part is the fact that youth influencers like Oholah have a form of godliness but a backslider in heart. God said, “though she was Mine...” He or She could be a beleiver and even once a God’s chosen, charsmatic, and elegant in look. 

Therefore as a youth, beware of negative and unapproved behaviour from the Oholahs around you. Such influence could be in their mode of dressing (ungodly dressing), their speech (foul and disrespectful language), and sexual orientation (relationship, immoralities and abominable acts). Proverbs 16:25 says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” 

As parents and guardians, pay closer attention to the wards under your watch and tulelage. Be discerning. Spend more time with them, teaching them the way of the Lord. Pray and pay more attention to the older ones, offer them open arms, allow them ask questions, and offer them answers no matter how trivial. Do you have Oholah-like character, repent today. Turn over a new leaf. Be positively, godly influential.                 

Today’s Recite: 

 “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners” - 1 Corinthians 15:33 

Today’s Morning Prayers: 

 O God. I receive grace to be a good example to other. Forgive me for ever misleading others into sins and rebellions. Help me to be upright hating all that You disapprove. Make a vessel of honour and a temple of the Holy Ghost. For In Jesus name I pray. Amen!


Today’s ReadMe:  Jeremiah 10 - 13

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