2 min read
August 11: THE GOOD FIGS

Daily Companion  | 11 August


For I will set My eyes on them for good, and I will bring them back to this land; I will build them and not pull them down, and I will plant them and not pluck them up. - Jeremiah 24:6

Prophet Jeremiah received a vision from God about two types of figs: the good and the bad, each symbolically representing different groups of the Jewish nation: exiled and non-exiled respectively (Jeremiah 24). The vision provides an insight into God's perception towards obedience and disobedience. The two types of figs also depict two different types of people's responses to God’s warnings and judgments. 

The good figs are those who respond to God's calls and warnings; have recognized their sins and repented. Willingness to serve the punishment for past sinful acts is the hallmark of restitution. Moreover, the good figs also represent those who stay faithful to the divine covenant under tumultuous circumstances. They are open to change and correction, demonstrating humility and devotion to God’s will. God promises restoration, protection, and prosperity to those who through repentance and faith are submissive.

The bad figs are those who have not recognized their sins, nor shown any desire to repent. Unlike the obedient exiles, they ignore the divine warnings through the hardness of their heart and refusal to yield to God's chastisement. The future for these bad figs is strikingly different from that of the good figs. God pronounces disaster, reproach, and persecution for this group. These negative consequences are a result of their willful disobedience and refusal to submit to God’s reproof.

Beloved, righteousness, obedience, and faith in God are the keys to receiving divine favour while disobedience only invokes divine punishment and hardship. Joseph and Daniel were both in exile at different times. It was in Egypt Joseph became the Prime Minister, and Daniel rose up to be appointed president of provincial governors in Babylon. Irrespective of where you are, obedience to God will always exalt you. Submit to God's correction and the Lord shall build you up, you will not be pulled down. but you shall be established.

Today’s Morning Prayer: O Lord God, humble myself before this day acknowledging my past sinful life. I repent of them all. Grant me Your grace to accept Your chastisement and remain obedient. Oh Lord fulfil Your covenant of peace, prosperity and establishment upon my life, household, ministry and work in Jesus' name. Amen!  

Today’s Recite: If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land;  Isaiah 1:19 

Today’s Hymn: JUST OBEY

Today’s ReadMe:  Jeremiah 24 - 26

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