2 min read

Daily Companion  |  27 April


Abraham believed God; and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Romans 4:3 

There was a certain rich man who had three children. His wife had died few years earlier. The children were so lazy and relied on their father’s property. They couldn’t wait for him to die to inherit his riches. But they were soon disappointed after his death. The lawyer read the will,  “Alfred, you have earned to yourself all that I have ever had and held. I hereby will all my property to you. Treat the children as your own as you always do”. Alfred was the humble and faithful long serving house servant. The man who had faithfully served the family, witnessed the birth and growth of all the children. He loved the children as his own.  

At some point or the other, we work under someone or we are responsible to someone. In family, workplace and in ministry, we have a choice to earn the goodwill of our principal. Like the house servant, you can earn fortunes by your loyalty, faithfullness, faith, truthfulness or even love. Phinehas earned everlasting blessings and righteousness of God by his zeal (Psalm 106:30,31). Rahab the harlot ‘perished not with them that believed not,” but earned the righteousness of God by being kind to God’s servants (Hebrews 11:31). 

Beloved, righteousness of God can be earned by faith and our loyalty. How loyal are you to God both in the secret and public? How dedicated are you at workplace to earn that promotion? How strong is your faith in God to earn His favour? Remember, Abraham “staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith” (Romans 4:20). Today you can start earning the righteousness, goodwill and favour of God, if you also “believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead.” (Romans 4:24)

Today’s Recite: Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.1 Corinthians 15:58 (KJV)

Today’s Morning Prayers: O God I thank You for a new day. I want to earn Your everlasting righteousness. Grant Thy grace to be faithful, loyal and honest with You at all times. Favour me, Lord, as I serve You with all my heart and with all my soul. Amen!


Today’s ReadMe:  1 Chronicles 13 - 16

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