Getting the Best in Marriage (Part 2)
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Getting the Best in Marriage (Part 2)

GOD'S PURPOSE FOR MARRIAGE God in His infinite Wisdom ordered and established the earth with noble and great purpose in mind! Proverb 8:23-36. All creatures, seasons, natural systems and civility work and perform at their best as governed by the Word and Wisdom of God. Nothing in the natural order exist without a purpose!

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Getting the Best in Marriage (Part I)

GETTING THE BEST IN MARRIAGE (PART 1) Gen 2: 20-25, Matthew 19: 4-6, Hebrew 13:4 Marriage has divine origin! God is the Author as well as the Finisher. Hebrew 12:2. The dream and intention of God over marriage goes beyond animalistic procreation. Human beings are special species with eternal destiny! (John.6:58). Having been made in the image of God, it is expected that godliness and righteousness reigns in every home under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Malachi 2:15. The product of every God-glorifying marriage is “godly seed” Genesis 18:19. Such are men and women that grow, get trained and matured to serve God’s purpose in every generation! Psalm 22:28-31. Peace, security, prosperity and righteousness in society are all determining factors in marriage foundation and integrity. The Church is God’s model in the world, the church is the only hope of the world. Therefore, all the stakeholders (the leaders and the led) must ensure that every marriage foundation is laid on Christ, “the Rock”, which is the only true and solid foundation that sustained without failure! Luke.6:46-49.

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1 min read