The Bible: The Mines of Great Treasures Part1.  Study 14 by Pastor Jayeoba Olufemi 07/05/2024
1 min read

The Bible: The Mines of Great Treasures Part1. Study 14 by Pastor Jayeoba Olufemi 07/05/2024

Imagine a man, gifted a car, but the key was withheld! Does this make any sense, or cause for celebration? No! The key is the only means to unlock the treasures inside and the pleasures the car provides. God gave the world to man, but was mindful to provide the means of navigating through it. This provision is the Bible.

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THE BIBLE: THE MINES OF GREAT TREASURES (Part2).  Study 15. by Pastor Olufemi Jayeoba
1 min read

THE BIBLE: THE MINES OF GREAT TREASURES (Part2). Study 15. by Pastor Olufemi Jayeoba

The Bible messages are not fictions or made to believe stories. They are God's words meant to inform, transform and eventually translate man to heaven, where he will shine in glory in His presence forever! At creation, the human's heart was made to crave after God. i.e., "the inclination or affinity to sense and seek God” Deuteronomy 4:29

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THE BIBLE: THE MINES OF GREAT TREASURES (Part 3) Study 16 by Pastor Jayeoba Olufemi 21/05/2024
1 min read

THE BIBLE: THE MINES OF GREAT TREASURES (Part 3) Study 16 by Pastor Jayeoba Olufemi 21/05/2024

It is not enough to have money, the most important thing is to be conversant with what money can do or made to achieve. Ordinary men labour to get money, only to spend it, whereas, the wise men obtain money and invest it to become rich, prominent and powerful! The word of God when digested, understood, and applied can make God's riches available so much that your life will experience great transformation and turn arround!

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